How to avoid the board problem of veneer dryer

2023/07/19 14:30

Many people may encounter the board stuck problem in the process of using the veneer dryer. In order to avoid this problem, the following suggestions can be taken:

First of all, keep the equipment clean, clean the dust collector and exhaust pipes, and minimize the accumulation of dust; secondly, do a good job of adjusting the equipment to reduce friction and wear of the equipment, and regularly check the state of the roller bearings;

veneer dryer

Finally, pay attention to the control of drying temperature and humidity to avoid excessive temperature and humidity, which will cause veneer deformation and board jamming.

In addition, when placing the boards, do not place the boards at an angle, especially if the slope exceeds 45 degrees, and do not place them too far to the side, and do not dry the tertiary boards that are poorly dried. The above are some small suggestions for avoiding stuck boards.

veneer drying